Things You Need To Know About Fat Injections


Aging and weight loss bring about the thinning of the subcutaneous fat layer. This phenomenon subsequently results in sagging skin, deep wrinkles, sunken cheeks, and formation of jowls. Fat injections in Dubai treat such aesthetic concerns by combining cosmetic filling and liposuction techniques that restore the youthful appearance of one’s face and body.

What are Fat Injections?

Fat injections, also known as fat grafting and autologous fat transplantation, involve a non-invasive procedure that extracts surplus fat from different body parts and injects it into volume-deficient areas. The infused fat rejuvenates the treated area by filling the areas where collagen and fat are fading in amount.

Fat injections serve the following cosmetic purposes:

  • Redefine contours
  • Restore lost volume
  • Reshape areas
  • Reduce wrinkles, furrows, and fine lines
  • Fix atrophy and asymmetry

Where to Use Fat Injections?

These injections can be used for the face as well as certain body parts to improve their contours and appearance:

  • Lips
  • Cheeks
  • Nasolabial folds
  • Under-eyes
  • Temples
  • Chin
  • Jawline
  • Neck
  • Arms
  • Breasts
  • Buttocks
  • Calves

What Are Donor Sites?

These are the regions from where fat cells are harvested. The common donor areas for fat injections are:

  • Buttocks
  • Abdomen
  • Upper arms
  • Thighs

Benefits of Fat Injections

Volume restoration softens the edges of the target areas making them look smoother and younger as a result. Some of the major benefits of fat injects are listed below:

Removes Unwanted Fat

Fat injections provide an effective non-invasive alternative to surgical removal of fat. Liposuction uses a narrow tube, called a cannula, to harvest the fat cells. In doing so, it removes unwanted fat deposits that often tend to be stubborn and refuse to go away with dieting or exercising.

Reduces Wrinkles and Fine Lines

Due to a drop in the production of structural proteins like elastin and a reduction in the ratio of fat, skin tends to get loose and lax. This causes the skin to wrinkle out and sag. The outer corners of the eyes start showing crow’s feet and deep lines appear between the nose and the lips. Fat injections provide an efficient solution to these problems owing to their smoothening and plumping effects.

Well-sculpted Anatomical Regions

By transferring fat to desired areas, fat injections rejuvenate the way they look. For instance, if you wish your breasts were slightly bigger than they are, you can opt for fat injections and redefine the contours of your breasts without going under the knife. Similarly, fat injections also reduce the hollows under your eyes by filling the low-volume areas.

Semi-Permanent Results

It is true that the body tends to absorb or dispose a portion of injected fats over time, however, research shows that 20 to 50% of the transferred fat stays in its place permanently. Multiple sessions can be used to ensure that the desired amount of fat is maintained in the target areas.

Procedure for Administering Injections

The procedure is carried out in an outpatient setting under local anesthesia. Occasionally if a large volume of liposuction and fat grafting is performed an overnight stay is recommended . The session tends to be 1 to 3 hours long as it requires utmost precision on the part of the Practitioner.

Fat injections are performed in four stages. Firstly, the Plastic Surgeon numbs the area with the help of an anesthetic. An antiseptic may also be applied to protect the target regions against infection. After tumescent solution is infiltrated ( a solution which prevents bleeding), a cannula is then inserted into the donor site to extract the emulsified or detached fat cells.

This aspirate is now processed quickly to separate the fat from blood, oil, and other constituents. Plastic Surgeons then inject this filtered fat with the help of careful to and fro motions. It should be mentioned that fat is introduced gradually in very small proportions.

Recovery Process

Following the surgery, the donor and recipient sites are covered with bandages to reduce the swelling that results from the treatment. The bandages are usually changed once 48 hours have passed.

Most people can return to their routines within 1 week of the treatment. Board Certified Plastic Surgeons advise their patients to avoid doing strenuous exercises for at least 3 weeks after they get the treatment done.

Patients are also required to visit their Practitioner over a period of four weeks to get their healing journey evaluated.

Know More

If you are interested in knowing more about Fat Injections in Dubai, feel free to contact the Al Shunnar patient care team. Our coordinators will readily schedule a personal consultation session for you with one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.