Speeding Up Post-Facelift Recovery with Lymphatic Massage

Facelift has remained one of the most widely performed procedures in the Plastic Surgery practice over the years owing to its life-changing aesthetic results. However, it is typical for people to experience certain side effects, such as pain, bruising, and swelling following the surgery. Although they are a natural component of recovery and usually go away with time, many patients look for strategies to reduce postoperative side effects and accelerate the healing process.

Lymphatic facial massage in Dubai is one way of achieving the above-mentioned goals following a facelift. It assists the body with lymphatic drainage, and eventually lessens soreness, swelling, and bruising. Read on to know more about this therapeutic treatment.

What is Manual Lymphatic Drainage?

During surgical treatments, the lymphatic system gets disturbed and overwhelmed, resulting in an increased build-up of lymph fluid in or near the treatment area. The resultant swelling frequently causes pain and discomfort among the patients and can also impede the overall recovery process.

The lymph nodes are the focus of the pain-free lymphatic drainage massage. The massage gently stretches the skin to help the fluid go back to lymph vessels hence removing the accumulated waste and toxins. Lymphatic drainage massage involves light, rhythmic hand strokes that help lower the risk of infection and promote a speedy recovery while making sure that manipulation does not worsen the pain. In this way, edema, pressure, and irritation are greatly reduced in the treated regions.

Benefits of Facial lymphatic Massage after Facelift Surgery

Manual lymphatic massage speeds up the healing of facial tissue by achieving the following outcomes:

  • Decreasing swelling by moving the lymph fluid
  • Increasing circulation – which ensures the provision of oxygen and nutrients to facial tissue
  • Removing metabolic waste and toxins
  • Preventing fibrosis and fluid build-up
  • Helping with tenderness and soreness
  • Reducing post-surgery bruising
  • Accelerating the recovery process
  • Minimizing scarring
  • Inducing calming relaxation
  • Supporting and strengthening the immune system

How Is It Performed?

It should be mentioned that facial massage is performed only once your wounds have closed or have started healing. Light and repetitive pumping motions are used during the massage to redirect the fluid in the system. In order to lessen friction and facilitate hand movement in the area, your Massage Therapist may add oil to your skin before the session begins. They then make gentle rotating movements in the direction of lymphatic drainage with their hands which increases the blood flow and triggers drainage.

The massage therapist will apply light pressure while they move your skin upward and outward in a circular pattern. The intensity of the pressure depends on the tissue being treated. The session normally includes several brief rests or recovery breaks which give the skin time to return to its regular position. The entire procedure is quite soothing and has a tranquilizing effect on one’s physical and psychological state.

The Therapist usually covers the face, neck, forehead, and the sides of your eyes while applying lymphatic drainage massage. After the procedure, you could still be asked to wear your compression garments. Your Therapist may also suggest several sessions to get the best results.

To Know More

If you are interested in knowing more about Lymphatic Massage in Dubai, feel free to contact the Al Shunnar patient care team. Our coordinators will readily schedule for you a personal consultation session with one of our Certified Therapists.