Will The Breast Implants Be Placed Over Or Under The Chest Muscle? Here’s Your Guide


While making a decision regarding a prospective breast augmentation mammoplasty, you are expected to choose the placement of the breast implants. The Plastic Surgeon usually helps you out in the process. Several factors are analyzed before an optimal option is selected. Elements that generally weigh on a doctor’s choice are:

  • Body type
  • Breast shape and size
  • Size of implant
  • Type of implants
  • Personal goals and preferences

If you are in two minds about this detail of your breast augmentation surgery in Dubai, dive into this article to evaluate the pros and cons of getting implants over or under your chest muscle.

Over the Muscle Placement:

Also known as Subglandular placement, over the muscle option procedure involves placing the breast implants over the chest muscle i.e. Pectoralis major. Plastic surgeons set the implant right under the glandular tissue of one’s breasts and don’t involve the chest muscle directly during the surgery.

Over the muscle placement has advantages of its own. The following facts can help you get a better grasp of what might work best for you.

Sufficient Mass of Natural Breast Tissue

The amount of tissue that is already present around the breasts assists in covering and supporting the implant. If you have a fair natural volume, you may consider going for over the muscle implant because the implant will get the coverage it needs. Keeping in view this factor is important for keeping intact the natural look of the breasts.

Shorter recovery period

Subglandular implants afford people a shorter downtime. It is due to the fact that no muscle alignment or placement is disturbed during the surgery. If the muscle is manipulated, it will understandably require a longer time to heal and recover from the procedure. Moreover, the person will not feel any temporary loss of chest muscle function in the post-surgery period.

The surgery is relatively easier to perform

The Plastic Surgeon usually takes less time to operate if they are doing over the muscle implant placements. This means your breast augmentation surgery will not keep you down for a long period of time.

Strong chest muscles

If you have large or strong pectoralis major muscles, your doctor might advise you to go for a subglandular procedure. That is because distortions are expected during muscular movements if the implant is placed over a strong muscle. However, the risk is low and can be easily overcome.

Low chances of aesthetic distortion

Chest muscle movement or flexing can bring about temporary distortions of the implant (during the span of movement). Over the muscle implant placement eliminate this risk as the muscle is not manipulated during mammoplasty.

Under the Muscle Placement:

It is also called Submuscular placement. In this procedure, plastic Surgeons put the implant under your chest muscles. The layers covering the breast implant become four in number: skin, fat, glands, and Pectoralis major .

While analyzing the suitability of the submuscular placement keep the following things in mind.

The location of muscle matters

The chest muscle is usually located on the upper side; above the breasts. Sagged or low-lying breasts do not make the perfect candidates for under the muscle placement. In this case, it is not advisable to place the implants under the chest muscle as implants will appear abnormally high.

More natural look for those with little tissue

If your breasts have a low natural mass, your doctor might suggest you choose under the muscle placement option. Chest muscles perfectly cover the length and breadth of the implant and give it a more natural look.

Longer recovery period

A downside of the submuscular procedure is that it takes a relatively long time to recover fully. Expectedly, the muscles take their time to heal and adjust to the new addition; that is the implant. Therefore, if you can manage to avoid full range of motion during the post-operative period, submuscular placement should not be a problem for you.

Slightly increased discomfort

The ensuing physical discomfort is largely due to the manipulation of the chest muscle. It might feel a bit painful to move around your arms in full range or flex your chest muscles. Nevertheless, such experience can be minimized by taking the prescribed painkillers.

Minimum risk of capsular contracture

Capsular contracture is the normal reaction of the body, induced by the immune system. Whenever the body senses the presence of any foreign n object it tries to isolate it by forming scar tissue around it.. With under the muscle placement, the chances of developing capsular contracture are less however with the newer implants in the market the capsular contracture rates are almost equivalent above or below the muscle.

Both above and below the muscle implants may interfere with full visualization of the breast in a mammogram.  More of the breast is visualized if the implant is placed under the muscle. The visualization is significantly reduced if a capsular contracture is present.

How to overcome the risks associated with mammoplasty

Plastic Surgeons adopt multiple measures to reduce the risks associated with over the muscle and under the muscle implant placements.

  • Working with a Board-certified Surgeon diminishes the chances of facing side effects
  • Injecting gathered fat to make up for upper fullness in saggy breasts
  • Avoiding unnecessary implant handling reduces bacterial contamination
  • Keeping the environment clean and free of germs eliminates the risk of infection
  • Using the correct size decreases the chances of visual distortion and capsular contractures
  • Choosing the correct shape maintains the right aesthetics
  • Adopting a staged process gives the skin time to adapt and stretch
  • Avoiding massaging or excessively touching the breasts right after surgery

 Schedule an Initial Session

If you want to discuss your options and suitability in detail, schedule a consultation with our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons who specialize in aesthetic breast procedures to determine the correct procedure for you..