Breast Implant Revision Surgery


Breast implant revision surgery is a procedure to replace old breast implants with new implants. The goal of this procedure is often to improve or change the appearance of the breasts while updating the implant material, which could include:

  • A concurrent breast reduction or breast lift
  • Reshaping the breast implant pocket to reposition the implant on the chest
  • Decreasing or increasing the size, shape or style of the breast implant

Women desire to have breast implant revision surgery because of various reasons such as:

  • Pain from capsular contracture
  • Desire to change the size and shape of the breasts
  • Concern about migration or rapture of implants
  • Change to a different style of an implant such as from saline to silicone

Over time, breast implants can change size or shape with the overlying breast tissue also changing, creating a feel or an appearance to the breast that is less desirable than the original result. Also, many implants come with a warranty on the actual implant device, but after ten years the costs which are associated with having surgery to replace the implant are no longer covered. Due to this, many women elect to update or replace their breast implants at or around the 10-year frame.

The ideal candidate for breast implant revision

You may be a good breast implant revision surgery candidate if:

  • You are concerned about the condition or integrity of your implants
  • You are unhappy with the shape, size or appearance of your breast implants
  • You are generally healthy and at a stable weight
  • You have realistic expectations


The choices for anesthesia include intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. The type of incision used during the breast implant revision surgery varies depending on the type of procedures that will be performed. The incision can include any of the following:

  • Breast lift incision – either wise pattern, inverted T or vertical incision
  • Inframammary incision – in the crease under the breast
  • Peri-areolar incision – incision that is a part or around the areola

The choice of the incision also depends on what incision was used in the initial surgery. The incisions are closed usually by dissolvable sutures that are buried under the skin thereby leaving a very thin line. These are covered by a small breathable tape. The final results of breast implant revision surgery are initially obscured by swelling but this fades gradually.


Following your breast implant revision surgery, bandages or gauze dressings may be applied to your incisions. Depending on your surgery, you may or may not be placed in a support bra or another type of garment. A thin tube may be placed temporarily under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect.

Your Plastic Surgeon will give you specific instructions to follow such as:

  • How to care for your surgical areas following the surgery
  • Medications to take orally or to apply to aid in healing and reduce the risk of infection
  • Specific concerns to look out for in your general health or at the surgical site
  • When to follow up with your Plastic Surgeon
  • When to resume normal activities

The results

It usually takes about six weeks for the swelling to resolve and the breasts to feel softer and natural. In some cases, it can take up to 12 months for the breasts to feel normal since healing varies from individual to individual. The same goes for the scars to fade, for normal breast sensation to return and for the woman to get used to the feel of having an implant as well.

Following your Plastic Surgeon’s instructions is key to the success of your surgery. The surgical incisions mustn’t be subjected to excessive force, abrasion or motion during the time of healing.

Book your appointment for a consultation

Would you like to understand what options are available for Breast Implant Revision Surgery in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.