Brazilian Butt Lift: Benefits & Risk


Brazilian butt lift is a surgical procedure that employs specialized fat transfer techniques to enhance the size and shape of the buttocks. It effectively combines liposuction and the gluteal fat transfer procedure to get the job done and serves two different purposes: augmenting buttocks and sculpting the donor areas. By injecting body fat into the buttocks, it accentuates their volume while providing natural-looking results.

This blog will discuss the major benefits and risks of Brazilian butt lift in Dubai to help the readers understand this procedure in a better way.

Cosmetic Benefits of Brazilian Butt Lift

The procedure is known to provide considerable benefits to patients as it:

  • Increases the size and volume of the buttocks
  • Infuses firmness to make buttocks look more appealing
  • Contours the donor areas, e.g. abdomen, thighs, back, and arms, into slimmer silhouettes
  • Removes unwanted fat cells from the donor sites that tend to be stubborn and don’t go away
  • Corrects the asymmetries of the buttocks
  • Redefines the shape of the buttocks to make them look perkier
  • Lifts the buttocks to eliminate sagging
  • Gives you an attractive body that is balanced and resembles an hourglass figure
  • Boosts your confidence, positive self-image, and self-esteem

Some other advantages of getting a Brazilian butt lift are:

  • It involves small incisions
  • Does not require lengthy downtime
  • Provides reliable and long-lasting aesthetic outcomes
  • Gives scar-less results

Risks Associated with Brazilian Butt Lift

Although a Brazilian butt lift is not a highly invasive procedure, it does carry some risks that can lead to complications or may prove fatal in rare cases. Some of the associated risks are:

  • Asymmetry: buttocks looking disproportional in size or shape
  • Fat necrosis: death of fat cells that had been injected into the target areas
  • Fat embolism: the presence of fat particles in the bloodstream that can block circulation
  • Seroma: building up of fluid in the treated sites that can cause swelling and dampen results
  • Infection: which may lead to loss of skin and fat
  • Lump formation: happens due to the accumulation of fat cells in some areas

Consulting a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon can greatly help minimize the risks involves in the procedure.

Involved Procedure

Brazilian butt lift is performed in an outpatient setting under spinal with sedation or general anesthesia. The whole procedure can be broken down into three phases:

  • Fat extraction or harvest
  • Fat purification
  • Fat injection

Your Plastic Surgeon begins by marking the donor and recipient sites. They then draw a small incision on the area with high-fat deposits and introduce a tumescent solution. This solution controls bleeding, and also numbs the region.

The Plastic Surgeon then inserts a fine tube; a cannula. This instrument is used to suction the fat and collect it in a container. This phase is followed by the purification process which cleans the aspirate to separate the impurities. All of this is carried out quickly to prevent the fat mass from getting infected.

Now, the collected fat cells are injected into the target areas with the help of a narrow cannula and a syringe. Quick rhythmic motions are performed to do the job. Great care is taken while disturbing the fat evenly across the region to maintain symmetry and a balanced appearance.

Finally, the incisions are closed with the help of adhesives and compression garments are applied to prevent swelling and bruising. The whole procedure may take about 4 hours in total.

Do You Need Help?

If you are interested in knowing more about Brazilian butt lifts in Dubai, feel free to contact the Al Shunnar patient care team. Our coordinators will readily schedule a personal consultation session for you with one of our Board Certified Plastic Surgeons.