Arm Lift/Brachioplasty

An Arm Lift, also known as Brachioplasty is a Cosmetic Surgical procedure that reshapes the under portion of the upper arm region from the underarm to the elbow.

An arm lift involves removing excess fat and skin from between the armpit and the elbow. The remaining skin is then placed back over the newly repositioned contours resulting in a more toned look.

Weight fluctuations, genetics, and aging are some of the factors that can cause the upper arms to have a sagging, drooping appearance. Although exercise can improve and strengthen the muscle tone in the upper arm, it cannot address excess skin that has lost elasticity. However, an Arm lift in Dubai can do the following:

  • Reduce excess sagging skin that is drooping downwards
  • Smooth and tighten the underlying supportive tissue that defines the shape of the upper arm
  • Reduce fat pockets in the upper arm region.

Good Candidate for an Arm Lift

To be the ideal candidate for an arm lift procedure you have to be:

  • An adult who has and is bothered by significant upper arm skin laxity
  • Of relatively stable weight but not overweight
  • Nonsmoker
  • Healthy with no underlying medical condition that can impair the healing process
  • Have a positive outlook and realistic expectations regarding the arm lift procedure

Preparing for an Arm Lift

If you are thinking about undergoing an arm lift procedure, you will have a consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon who is an expert at body contouring. During the consultation, your Plastic Surgeon will do the following:

  • Review your medical history
  • Perform a physical examination
  • Discuss your concerns and expectations
  • You will be asked to stop smoking if you do for a few weeks before and after the procedure as well as to avoid certain medications such as aspirin as they can increase the risk of bleeding during and after the procedure

The Arm Lift Procedure

An arm lift procedure is performed in an accredited outpatient surgical facility or hospital under either general anesthesia or sedation and local anesthesia.

The procedure involves the Plastic Surgeon making incisions on the undersides of the arms. The pattern and length of the incisions will depend on how much excess skin is to be removed.

The Plastic Surgeon tightens the underlying tissues and secures them with sutures. Liposuction may also be used to remove the excess fat. Your skin is then placed over the newly shaped contours and the excess skin is removed. The skin is then sutured in layers to close the wounds.

Occasionally when the skin excess is mild and located mainly in the upper arm near the axilla, the excess skin is excised along the armpit line leaving the incision hidden in the armpit.

Recovery and Results

After the arm lift procedure, the incisions are covered in bandages and the arms are loosely wrapped in elastic bandages to minimize the swelling. Small drainage tubes might be placed in the incision areas to drain any excess fluid and blood that may collect.

The bandages and drainage tubes are removed within the first week following the procedure. You may also be asked to wear a compression garment on the treatment area for a few weeks to control the swelling.

In the first three to four weeks avoid lifting your arms above the shoulder level. Strenuous activities that involve the arms should be avoided for four to six weeks after the surgery as they might stretch the incisions. Pain medication and antibiotics will be provided by your Plastic Surgeon and should be taken as directed.

The results of the arm lift are immediate but are obscured by the swelling hence they become more apparent as the swelling goes down. By removing the loose skin and excess fat, an Arm lift in Dubai can give your arms a more toned appearance. The results of an arm lift are long-lasting if you maintain a stable healthy weight.


To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for an Arm Lift in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.