Things to Know Before Trying Out Dermal Fillers


It is natural for our bodies to change over time. The changes include wrinkles on the face, loss of facial volume, and low sagging cheekbones among others. These changes occur due to the loss of subcutaneous fat which supports our skin as well as collagen protein which gives the skin its firmness. Dermal fillers can treat these unwanted signs of aging by minimizing their appearance resulting in a rejuvenated younger-looking you.

If you are considering starting on dermal fillers there are a few important things you should know about them and they include:

What are Dermal fillers?

The first thing you should know about dermal fillers is that they should not be confused with Botox (an FDA-approved injectable to smooth fine lines and wrinkles). While Botox works by temporarily paralyzing the muscles to smooth lines and wrinkles, Dermal fillers work as injectable implants to smooth the lines and wrinkles as well as add volume to the treatment area.

Dermal fillers tend to vary depending on what they are made from and the longevity. They include:

  • Hyaluronic acid. This is naturally produced by our bodies and it is found in the skin and cartilage. Hyaluronic acid is the most common type of filler as it helps the skin retain moisture resulting in your face looking more plump and hydrated. This type of filler lasts about 6-12 months.
  • Calcium hydroxylapatite. This is a naturally occurring mineral found in our bones. Fillers made from it can last up to 18 months.
  • Poly-L Lactic acid. This is a biodegradable synthetic material that is also used to make dissolvable stitches. As a filler, it can last up to two years.
  • Polymethylmethacrylate beads. This is the only type of filler that cannot be absorbed by the body. The results are permanent Take precautions before getting fillers

When considering any type of procedure, safety should be on top of your list. We prefer using temporary hyaluronic acid fillers as they are safer and can be dissolved if necessary.Consulting with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or a Board Certified Dermatologist is important before getting dermal fillers. It is common to find dermal fillers in medical spas but always ensure that the person injecting them is a licensed or trained physician in injectables. After all, this is a cosmetic procedure and you should be satisfied with the results.

Dermal fillers act like collagen and plump up skin

Collagen is a type of protein in our skin that gives it its plump, smooth, youthful appearance. Unfortunately, the collagen levels in our bodies decrease as we age leading to skin sagging, fine lines, and wrinkles. Other factors that worsen these unwanted signs of aging include smoking, using harsh products on our skin, and the environment.

Dermal fillers act as collagen in our skin and even encourage collagen production filling in the wrinkles and restoring the lost volume resulting in a younger-looking appearance.

The treatment does not hurt

Most individuals report having experienced little to no discomfort during dermal filler treatment. Most dermal fillers contain a numbing agent known as lidocaine which makes the injections quite tolerable.

Fast procedure with no downtime

Dermal fillers are often referred to as a ‘lunchtime’ treatment as the procedure itself is relatively fast and takes less than an hour depending on the number and size of the area being treated. Another great thing about dermal fillers is that no downtime is needed and the results are immediate. Most individuals resume their normal activities right after the procedure.

There however can be minor side effects but they are usually temporary and tend to resolve quickly, they include soreness, redness, and bruising.

Dermal fillers look and feel natural

Dermal filler results are natural-looking since a little goes a long way and you will not look ‘done’. This is another reason why you should work with a Board Certified Plastic Surgeon or a Board Certified Dermatologist. They are trained to know your skin inside out and are skilled in injecting the right spots to get as close as possible to your desired results all while maintaining a natural look.

It is important to note that majority of the fillers are not permanent and that you’ll have to go for maintenance sessions in the future if you love the results.

To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for Dermal fillers in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.