What to expect from Blepharoplasty


Blepharoplasty, also known as Eyelid lift is a surgical procedure designed to redefine the shape of the eye by treating droopy and or puffy eyelids for a more rejuvenated appearance. It involves correcting and repairing concerns by removing excess muscle, fat, and skin from the upper eyelid (upper blepharoplasty) and the under eye area (lower blepharoplasty).

On its own blepharoplasty cannot treat fine lines and wrinkles or remove the dark under eye circle but it can be used to address age-related issues such as puffy or droopy eyelids for a more youthful look. The eyelid lift can also correct drooping eyelids that tend to interfere with vision or make a person older than they really are for a rejuvenating look.

Blepharoplasty can be done in combination with other facial procedures such as a brow lift, facelift, skin resurfacing treatments, and fat injection to tackle other aging concerns.

Good Candidate for Blepharoplasty

Aging is a natural part of life and having sagging skin around the eyes is part of aging too. Most individuals seek blepharoplasty as an antiaging treatment but sometimes it can go beyond that. You can also be a good candidate for blepharoplasty if your vision is blocked when looking upwards by the hanging skin on your upper eyelids.

In addition to having sagging skin around the eyes or puffy under eye bags, you may be the ideal candidate for blepharoplasty if you are generally healthy both physically and psychologically, do not smoke, and you have realistic expectations about the procedure.

Blepharoplasty procedure

The eyelid lift procedure is performed on an outpatient basis meaning you can go home following the procedure. A numbing agent is usually injected into the eyelids for your comfort. The injection also contains adrenaline which constricts the vessels and decreases bleeding and bruising. General anesthesia can also be used on some individuals. The procedure can take 30 minutes to two hours depending on what is being treated.

The Plastic Surgeon will start by addressing the upper eyelids first. He/she will make a small incision on the upper eyelid, eye lash crease and remove excess skin, muscle, and sometimes fat. Some of these tissues may be repositioned to the surrounding eye area before the Plastic Surgeon closes the incision.

The lower lid blepharoplasty procedure involves removing the excess fat that is causing the under eye bags and sometimes a small amount of skin can also be removed. The fat can also be repositioned depending on the clinical situation. The incision can be located on the outside underneath the lower eyelashes or on the inside of the eyelid. The lower eyelid can also be tightened or secured to the bony skeleton.

Recovery and Results

Immediately after the blepharoplasty procedure, the treatment area may be covered with sterile bandages though it’s not necessary as the Plastic Surgeon may use a special ointment to prevent the area from drying.

The eyelids might feel sore and tight while the eyes dry, sticky, or itchy for about a week or more. It is common to experience swelling and bruising but pain medication along with some eye drops can be prescribed for the discomfort. Ice packs also help with the discomfort. These symptoms usually go away after a week or two.

You should always go for the follow-up appointments to monitor the progress. The optimal results are visible once the swelling has gone down.

Book Your Appointment for a Consultation

Would you like to understand what options are available for Blepharoplasty in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.