Fat Injection
It is quite normal for anyone to have the need to feel rejuvenated each day, to make what is old new, and to feel youthful. Some of the reasons that may lead one to want rejuvenated looks include:
- Loss of volume in specific body parts like the face, buttocks, and breasts.
- Sunken eyes and hollowed cheeks.
- Drooping jowls.
- Having indented scars.
Fat injection, which is a recommended cosmetic treatment for the above issues, is a surgical procedure that uses fat from one’s body to fill in and soften some edges of the body that have lost volume. This fat is typically extracted from body areas like outer thighs, and abdomen, then its injected to the areas where volume has decreased over time.
Fat Injection Technique
Fat injection is where biocompatible fat cells are transferred from one part of the body to another so as to enhance volume. The fat injected is incorporated which gives a sculpted look to that particular area.
The fat injection procedure uses a liposuction procedure to extract excess fat from a certain body area. This fat is then purified then injected into the desired area.

Our Commitment To You
Our highly trained and experienced staff will guide you smoothly and comfortably along the entire process of having fat injection treatment in Dubai, which will allow you to make the best decision. At Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery, our experts have more than 20 years of experience in plastic and cosmetic procedures and have helped more than 10,000 patients safely achieve their dream of beauty and confidence. We will identify the most suitable expert for you, will listen to you, understand and identify your individual and detailed requirements in a tailor-made consultation, advise you on what you expect from the right treatment and ultimately develop the most suitable treatment plan with you.
The Fat Injection Process
a) The Consultation
The first step of having a fat injection in Dubai is to have a detailed consultation and examination in the clinic with our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon, to determine a tailor-made plan for each candidate.
As a candidate you should be in good health and also have sufficient fat deposits in the body to be eligible for the procedure.
b) The Procedure
The second step is to schedule the fat injection treatment with the highly qualified and experienced Plastic Surgeon who is an expert in fat injection/transfer and anti-aging procedures. The procedure requires 1-3 hours under local anesthesia.
Prior to the surgery, each patient is screened to ensure that it is safe to proceed with the procedure. This includes a pre-anesthetic consultation, blood testing, and to ensure the patient is a fit candidate for the procedure.
The local anesthesia and sedation used for the procedure means that the patient will be numb but awake. It also can be performed under general anesthesia if the treatment will be combined with other procedures.
The fat injection treatment is done in four steps;
- Anesthesia and antiseptic are applied where the fat is removed and where it is to be filled.
- Through liposuction, the fat cells are harvested at the donor sites.
- The fat cells are processed so as to separate the fat from non-fat cells (blood, oil and water),
- The processed fat cells are then injected into the target area.
The treatment is conducted in a hospital setting, and the patient is discharged on the same day depending on the scope of the procedure.
The expert Plastic Surgeon accompanies the patient throughout the entire process of recovery and healing, through scheduled follow-ups.
c) The Recovery
Swelling will likely occur after the procedure, and so, the patient may need to exercise some caution with their daily activities immediately after the fat injection treatment. Also depending on the scope of the treatment, he/she will need to avoid strenuous activities for at least three weeks, but normal day-to-day activities can typically be resumed after 1 week.
Upon discharge from the hospital, the patient typically has minor bandages, which are changed after two days at the clinic. Medications will be prescribed for any pain or discomfort experienced afterwards.
Over a period of about 4 weeks, the patient would typically have several post-operation visits to the clinic to monitor the healing process.
Although a fat injection procedure is straightforward, it is important that the right level of intervention or treatment is determined and that any procedure, whether surgical or non-surgical be performed by a qualified and expert Plastic Surgeon. A potential candidate has to fit into certain criteria to be eligible for the procedure and should have:
- Have loss of volume on various parts of the body
- Be an adult of age 21 and above.
- Should have skin elasticity
- Have sufficient excess fat in some areas of the body
- Realistic expectations regarding the expected results.
- Be in good health both physically and psychologically.
- Be a non-smoker.
What To Expect From A Fat Injection
The main benefit of a fat injection treatment is to reshape and contour certain areas of the body. Since everyone is different, the expected results of fat injection might vary from person to person, but benefits typically include:
- Long-lasting results
- A more rejuvenated skin.
- Restored volume on areas where volume was lost.
- Contoured body areas after the liposuction.
- A more youthful look.
- Relieving certain complications like capsular contracture after a breast augmentation.
- Helps in hip enhancement.
- Helps relieve contractures on radiated tissues.
Next Steps
Book your appointment for a Consultation
Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation, to develop a tailor-made plan for you to have fat injection treatment in Dubai. Contact us or book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.