Natural Looking Breasts with Transaxillary Breast Augmentation


Breast Augmentation is a cosmetic surgery designed to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. The transaxillary approach is a variation of breast augmentation surgery that involves the use of a small incision through the armpit with the help of an endoscope to perform breast augmentation.

Many women desire to accentuate their breasts while keeping a natural appearance but are often apprehensive about the scarring that comes with breast augmentation. With the inframammary and periareolar breast augmentation techniques, women are left with a scar in the breast fold or around the nipple which is an obvious sign of breast surgery and a source of concern for them.

At Alshunnar Plastic Surgery Clinic Dubai, we offer the Transaxillary approach to breast augmentation. It enhances the breast size and shape with implants without leaving visible scarring on the breast tissue. This sophisticated modern approach is performed through a small incision on the crease of both armpits using an endoscope. With a transaxillary endoscopic approach, space can be crafted under direct vision with very little bleeding and no postoperative bruising. Our Board Certified Plastic Surgeon can meticulously create the desired breast shape for you using this approach.

The main difference between transaxiallary breast augmentation and traditional breast augmentation is the location of the incision and the route through which the implants are inserted.

Good Candidates for Transaxillary Breast Augmentation

The ideal candidate for transaxillary breast augmentation is a woman who desires to enhance the shape and size of her breasts without the apparent signs of having undergone surgery.

During the consultation, the Plastic Surgeon will determine the best breast augmentation technique that would suit you after discussing your concerns and goals. For women who are seeking to undergo breast augmentation and breast lift at the same time, this may not be the ideal procedure for them. This is because breast lift requires an incision on the breast tissue and thus can make the goal of achieving scarless results impossible.


Transaxillary breast augmentation is performed under general anesthesia on an outpatient basis.

During the procedure, the Plastic Surgeon makes a small incision on the natural crease of the armpit. An endoscope is inserted which allows the Plastic Surgeon to view the anatomical structures, thus guiding them throughout the procedure. An implant pocket is then created behind the chest wall muscle or under the facial muscle lining. The breast skin and tissue are stretched to create the pocket and accommodate the implant.

The Plastic Surgeon inserts the implant through the underarm incision into the created implant pocket. Once the Plastic Surgeon is satisfied with the location of the breast implant and its appearance, they close the incisions with sutures.

Recovery and Results

After the procedure, the breasts are wrapped in a gauze dressing and a surgical support bra is worn to minimize swelling.

The swelling, which is usually accompanied by pain and bruising, will decrease over the next several weeks. Pain medications during the recovery period will be prescribed to relieve the patient. Women are given specific instructions to follow during the recovery as they can play a critical role in determining the success of the procedure.

Most women can return to work within a week, however, strenuous activities should be avoided for four to six weeks.

The results of transaxillary breast augmentation are visible immediately after the surgery and continue to become more apparent as the swelling goes down.

To Know More

Would you like to understand what options are available for Transaxillary Breast Augmentation in Dubai? Meet one of our experts at Alshunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for you. Contact us or Book an appointment and our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.