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Facial Fat Grafting Procedure

facial fat grafting in dubai

Facial Fat Grafting

Aging is normal and wanting to slow it down is normal too. After all, we always want to look our best, and that includes hanging on to our youthful features for as long as possible. With aging also come fine lines and wrinkles, loss of volume and droopiness on the face, sunken eyes or bags under the eyes, effects which not many people are fond of. The good news is that there is an array of volume-filling dermal fillers which you can choose from to counter these aging problems.

But, then again, maybe you might not want to use fillers in your body, even if they are made from substances that occur naturally in the human body. This is where fat grafting is recommended, because unlike dermal fillers, the fat used is harvested from your own body.

Fat Grafting or Fat Transfer is the transfer of fat cells from one part of the body (the donor area) to another part (the recipient site). And in the case of Facial Fat Grafting, the harvested fat cells are injected into different areas of the face to restore volume, and reverse aging signs. This procedure is stable, autologous, and becomes part of the normal tissue composition at the recipient site. Additionally, fat grafts have the ability to rejuvenate the tissues into which they are injected.

Facial Fat Grafting Technique

Facial Fat Grafting is a minimally invasive procedure, because only a small amount of fat is harvested typically through liposuction, centrifuged, and strategically re-injected beneath the skin to restore volume, plump lips and enhance natural beauty. The biggest advantage of any fat grafting procedure is that it comes without any risk of an allergic reaction or rejection by your body since your own fat is being used.
The results of Facial Fat Grafting can be indefinite, while still feeling, and look totally natural. Facial Fat Grafting achieves similar results as fillers, such as plumping the lips and cheeks, softening wrinkles and creases, smoothing under-eye bags and so much more. The difference between dermal fillers and Fat Grafting is that the results of fillers are temporary while those of Fat Grafting last longer in addition to aging naturally with you.

Our Commitment To You

Our highly trained and experienced staff will guide you smoothly and comfortably along the entire process of having facial fat grafting in Dubai, which allows you to make the best decision. At Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery, our experts have more than 20 years of experience in plastic and cosmetic procedures and have helped more than 10,000 patients safely achieve their dream of beauty and confidence. At our cosmetic surgery centre, we will identify the most suitable Facial Fat Grafting expert for you, who will listen to you, understand your needs, and identify your individual and detailed requirements during a tailor-made consultation, advise you on what to expect from the procedure, and ultimately develop the most suitable treatment plan with you.

The Liposuction Process

a) The Consultation

The first step of having a Facial Fat Grafting treatment in Dubai is to have a detailed consultation and examination in the clinic with our Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. This determines a tailor-made plan for each candidate.

b) The Surgery

The second step is to schedule the Facial Fat Grafting procedure with our highly qualified and experienced Plastic Surgeon who is an expert in Facial Fat Grafting and other anti-aging procedures. The procedure requires 1 to 3 hours under general anaesthesia.

Prior to the surgery, each patient is screened to ensure that it is safe to proceed with the surgery. This includes a pre-anaesthetic consultation, blood testing and to ensure the patient is a fit candidate for the procedure.

During the procedure, harvesting of fat cells from the donor site is done through liposuction. The fat cells are collected in specialised systems that filter the cells then separate the living cells from the non-viable lipids and adipocytes. This is done so as to only inject viable fat tissue that will not only be reabsorbed but will maximizing volume preservation.

It is very important that the patient has sufficient fat on their body to act as the donor site for the procedure. Although the procedure is permanent there is most likely some reabsorption of fat grafts back into the body, which could possibly require that a repeat procedure be done after a while in order to get the optimal results

Sometimes some of the injected fat does not ‘take’ or establish a blood supply or survive the transfer process. The surgeon tackles this issue by slightly overfilling an area so as to achieve the desired volume.

Our expert Plastic Surgeon will accompany the patient throughout the entire process of recovering and healing through scheduled follow-ups.

c) The Recovery

After the procedure, it is important for the patient to minimize pressure to the grafted areas as well as keeping the face warm by avoiding cool conditions for at least a week. The donor and recipient site are usually swollen for at least two to three weeks after the procedure. Changes in the volume begin to appear about four months after the procedure, and the final results become visible after six months.


When it comes to choosing a cosmetic surgeon for your procedure, make sure that not only is he Board-Certified but he also has vast experience in performing Facial Fat Grafting. Looking at his or her before and after photos of previous procedures will help you in making the right decision.

The ideal candidate for a Facial Fat Grafting procedure should have some of the following concerns;

  • Sunken cheeks
  • Thin lips
  • Dark circles or eyelid bags under the eyes
  • Sufficient fat cells in the donor area
  • Have reasonable expectations
  • Be in good health both physically and mentally

What To Expect From A Facial Fat Grafting Procedure

Facial Fat Grafting has several benefits including;

  • Restoring natural, youthful volume as well as eradicating creases without manufactured fillers
  • No need for frequent touch-ups as the results are permanent
  • The treated area feels completely natural and normal
  • There is no risk of rejection or an allergic reaction

Next Steps

Book your appointment for a consultation.
Meet one of our experts at Al Shunnar Plastic Surgery for a personal and detailed consultation to develop a tailor-made plan for your facial fat grafting treatment in Dubai, contact us or book an appointment, and one of our patient care coordinators will identify the most suitable expert for you.

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